MAY 2021


First run of the season! The boat had spent the winter in Port Ewen, New York across the Creek from Kingston. Thus, after loading some PPE masks and honey, Apollonia begins her trip going Northbound to Hudson. Apollonia’s crew consists of Captain Sam, Lu Yoder, Matt Soltesz, and Tanya van Renesse.


They arrive at the dock in Hudson early in the morning after all spending the night camped out on Sam’s farm. Lu had arrive the night previous by bike from coastal Massachusetts.

Ship dog Hoku at the helm.

The crew loads 8,750 lbs of Hudson Valley Malt, a coller of Poor Devil Hot Sauce, Greenpoint Cider, and some individual orders of Atina foods.


The crew unloads malt and PPE masks in Poughkeepsie.


The crew unloads malt in Beacon.


We reach Red Hook, Brooklyn! The crew unloads 5,050 lbs malt, 50 lbs rye, Greenpoint Cider, and individual orders of Atina Foods.

We also pick up and load bulk coffee, Van Brunt Whiskey, and Honey’s Select beverages.


The crew unload at South Street Seaport Museum between 1 and 4. There, we unload some Poor Devil Hot Sauce and Van Brunt Whiskey Afterwards, the boat makes its way across the East River to One15 Marina.

When we arrived at One15 Marina in Brooklyn, we met up with the French sail freight vessel Grain de Sail and loaded some wine and chocolate from vessel to vessel as upriver cargo. Grain de Sail had recently arrived from France on the maiden voyage.

A view from the bow sprit as we approach Brooklyn.


The crew spent most of the day on various maintenance projects. Tanya and Lu sat all day by the sewing machine finishing up Apollonia’s sail covers that Lu, Matt, and Tanya started over the winter. Matt worked on the main mast attempting to secure the electrical conduit that had come loose in the journey downriver.

In the evening, the crew joined Grain de Sail at a fundraising party, where the captains of both vessels gave short talks on their shared mission.